Set Focus

This action can be used to set input (keyboard) focus to a particular control. The control does not have to be visible or in the foreground.



Identifier: indicate a new UI element, or select from the already defined list of selectors. (TAP into our unique UI Browser).


  • Display Name: action display name in your implementation project.

  • Wait Before: number milliseconds robot to wait before executing the action.

  • Wait After: number milliseconds robot to wait until moving to the next action.

  • Abort on Error: True/False

  • Retry Times: Specifies the number of times to retry an action if it doesn't end successfully. Default value 0 (no retry); Use -1 if you want to retry indefinitely.

Use Case

Potential Use Cases

  • Set focus on a control from the same application page, but not currently visible

  • Set focus on a textbox control before starting to type in it

  • Set focus on a button in order to use a keystroke Enter to press it

Examples of Using Set Focus


In this example, the robot will set focus on a Notepad++ window and type a message.

Watch the robot in action:

You can see how the Set Focus activity is used in an example that incorporates multiple activities. You can check and download the example from here:

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Last updated