Kill Process
This action can be used to kill the specified process, identified by the GetProcessesByName method.
Process Name: process name of the process(es) desired to kill.
make sure to add ".exe" to the name you provide.
Display Name: action display name in your implementation project.
Wait Before: number milliseconds robot to wait before executing the action.
Wait After: number milliseconds robot to wait until moving to the next action.
Abort on Error: True/False.
Retry Times: Specifies the number of times to retry an action if it doesn't end successfully. Default value 0 (no retry); Use -1 if you want to retry indefinitely.
Use Case
Potential Use Cases
Close a not responding application in order to avoid the robot to continue working and perform wrong actions.
Close a not responding application and restart the process in order to save time.
Examples of Using Set Focus
In this example, the robot will open a web page, and then close it using the Kill Process activity.
Install Microsoft Edge.
Watch the robot in action:
You can see how the Kill Process activity is used in an example that incorporates multiple activities.
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